App Privacy Policy

App Privacy Policy

                        Our app collects little to no data on our users, so our Privacy Policy is simple one.

No Personal information
                                       As you can see in the app, the app does not request or collect any personal information from the user. There is no account to create and no registration needed. Then app does not even ask for your name or country which you live. All financial transaction, including the purchase to the app and/or and in app purchase, are handled through the iTunes App store and Google Play store, so we don’t see, handle, or have access to any your financial information.

Copy Rights 
                              we have copyrights of the all 3d front elevation images collection.
Note : not allowed to Developers stolen our 3d Design for website or apps.
                 Through analytics program, such as Firebase, the apps do collect aggregate usage information for apps-things like total download for the month or which call share being used more the others in total. the analytics in does not contain any information and individual users, so we have no access to your or any other use usage habits or specific information, we only know what all our users are doing as whole , so that we can better serve our entire user base and understand how many people our enjoy our products.

Help Emails
                     Any help emails sent to us through the app will work like all other regular emails you send and receive. We will see the emails, and you will see our responses. The emails we receive remain on our email server like all our there emails, but we never use, aggregate , share, or sell any of the emails addresses that contact us , we only respond to your emails with technical support and other similar information.

Contacting us
                     If you have any question about our privacy policy.Please emails us at